Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Willing guillibility

I can think of no other phrase for people like this. It is truly voluntary.

In a chat with a friend I referred to Obama as a "lying fucking dipshit". Perhaps the fucking dipshit bit was harsh, but Bruce McQuain found the lie. That, of course, was not the only one in the speech. Bruce does nail the speech.
Essentially this will satisfy those who are pro-Obama and not satisfy those who are not for Obama.

Billy Beck states what everyone else should be noticing.
Obama could, and should, have gotten started down this road quite without Wright anywhere near him at any time in his life in any way.

He didn't.

The "crazy uncle" defense just doesn't work here. It's one thing to have a crazy uncle. It's another thing to go over to his house, sit on his porch, drink his moonshine, and listen to him wax nostalgic about lynchings and cross burnings for 20 years.

UPDATE: He's not lying, he's just nuanced. He was talking about different statements then than he is now. Nice parsing. How very...Clintonesque. Assume this argument is correct. Would a Republican candidate be forgiven by the left for having a connection to a racist? The answer is no. Not a chance.

UPDATE: Allahpundit's anger is righteous. And he's right; this story is over, and if it does return, it will be "old news". UPDATE WITHIN AN UPDATE: Righteous. "He’s a gutless, opportunistic coward who was afraid to say an unkind word to one of the power brokers in the black community on whom he counted for votes as an Illinois politician, and now that he’s a national figure he’s throwing the same guy under the bus to preserve the illusion that he’s a 'post-racial' politician."

UPDATE: Caroline Glick: "I was 13 years old when I stood up alone to all my classmates and told them that I thought they should be ashamed of themselves for supporting an anti-Semite for president. I was a child. But Obama came to Wright as an adult. And as an adult, he sat through 20 years of Wright’s anti-white, anti-Jewish, and anti-American vitriol and said nothing."

UPDATE: McArdle and Wilkinson notice a different discriminatory angle.

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